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We help School Leaders to build their

Thought Leadership

Have you ever tried to check

What is your current Influence Level

The definition of Influence Levels

Understand the levels in deep and fix your time goal to reach the next level.

Amateur - Who do not charge for her/his services.
Professional - who do charge for that
Expert - who is known for her/his focus area
Authority - Author means authority, a research scholar or a book writer
Influencer - who has changed the lives of many
Thought Leader - who change thinking of people about their focus topic

Feel free to contact us to further learn about them

So what is your level of Influence

At EdMonks, we are focused on school innovation for the great Indian middle class and we help the doers in the space to grow their influence.

The whole thing started in 2019

When our founder Mr Anupam Kaushik organised a one month long program and called it ‘Become a School Education Influencer’. Here are the testimonials by the participants. You can listen to them.

They were calling it a Life Changing Programme

Despite that, we never offered this programme again to the public as our founder Mr Anupam Kaushik found some significant pointers to improve upon and without that he was not willing to launch it again .

After several changes, now this programme is on the offer again and has become a one-to-one, task based mentoring program.

Now you may follow this structured way

and you may try your hands on the following things. Alternatively, you can ask for our help and may join our systematic programme.

Picking your niche

Thought leadership is created in one core niche.

If you are trying to create one for yourself in school education space, you should understand all these 5 segments but you will still have to have a focus on one of these segments.

Which one of these five is going to be your focus for the next 5 years

Write content for yourself

We very strongly recommend you to get into a habit of writing. It is a very good way of expression.

4 weeks online cohort

We take a small batch of education leader and help them understand the fundamentals of Influence and content communication

Step 5

Get Certified

On successful completion, you will get a certificate from EdMonks and you will be eligible to apply to become an EdMonks with us

Who can apply

We accept any school education leader

Director Principal

The School Owner who is also the principal is our first choiceto be accepted on the programme.

Empowered Principal

We would love to invite those school principals whose school owners believe in them for any decision

Between the Jobs

If you are not in job right now doesn’t make you any less. Just show us, what you have achieved so far

The Fee

Pay as you Wish

The first batch for this program was executed in 2019. Here is what the participants were saying about the program

The fee for this first batch per participant was INR 10,000/- , and people were appreciating it but we never offered it again as our founder Mr Anupam Kaushik found some significant pointers to improve.

A lot of things have now changed

After that change, this is going to be the first batch, and so we have made it a Pay as you wish programme. That means, you finish the program first and only if you like it, you are going to pay and you will pay whatever amount you find the programme is good for.

This is a one time opportunity, from the next batch, this facility will not be available.